Graha: Santi, Other Solar System Api Bhavitum Arhanti etc. Eclipse status: Eclipse, Eclipse, Eclipse, etc. Kujagrahasya Swarupam "Chapal: Saraktgaur: Majjasarashcha Maheya:" Ityevam Uktavan Asti Acharya: Varahmihira :. Adhunikashastrakara: Vadanti kujasya upari agratusharavaranam asti ityatah raktavarnayuktadhavalvarna: tatra vishyate iti. Koojah (Bhumiputra :) Iti Shabadah and Tadgrahe Jivasambhavyata Prakashayati. Modernity: Api etat av vadanti khalu.
'Suryadinam Sanchar: Bhramamul:' 'Grahanam Swaprakashata Nasti' etc.
The Indus Valley Civilization is almost always amazing. Architecture is very ancient. Karnataka Belure exists: Bhumisparsharahit: Stambha :, Konark Kshetrasya Suryadevalaya :, Sringeristambha :, Anantapuristha: Saptasvaraprabhava: Mandapadhara: Stambha :, Ajanta-Elloraguha :, Dehalistha: Vishnustambha: etc. Mayamtam, Mayasarah, Manushyalaya Chandrika, Suprabhedagamh, Vasturatnavali, Kamikagamh, Brihadvastumala etc. Anekeshu Grantheshu Vastushastram Nirupitam Asti Music
You know about music. Chikitsartham api sangeetam upayujyate sm asmadacharyai :. Sangeetchikitsaratnakara: Name: Text: 34,800 Sankhyakana Rogana Vishare Visteran Vadati. Teshan Chikitsopayogitam api pratipadayati sa.
Eteshu vishayeshu pathanadikam kritva ekaik: api sanskritjna: ekakashastre parangat: santattachchastrasya parirakshanam prasaram cha karotu. Ten Bharatmata Punarapi Jagadgurusthanmadhikarishyati.राज्यशास्त्रम् = Politics, à¤ूगर्à¤à¤¶ास्त्रम् = Geology, कपित्थ = The fruit of the wood - apple tree कइथ इति à¤ाषायाम्। Aidamprathamyen = Idam pratham tasyabhavah ten. Foot: = Land: = Vahu: = Two: Perpendicular: = Category: = Height = p | Karna: = Shruti: = b 1 = h | Tatkrityayo: position vahu: = p2 + b2 = h2, h2 - b2 = p2, h? - p2 = b2 Energy Conservation Rules: - Power Conservation Rules:. Prachaya: - contensation, Apachaya: - rarefaction, Apabhransha: - refraction, Dvaitasvabhavah: - dual nature, Upanishadi Quantasiddhanta: - Anoraniyan Mahatomahiyan. 'Thousands of plans. Iti Shlokas: Sayanacharyasya (AD 1300) Rigveda commentaries exist. Aken Nimishardhen Yojananam Dwe Sahastre Shat Dwe Yojana Cha Kramaman! Te namah astu. So much for that.
2000 + 200 + 2 = 2202 Plan: Nimishardhen.
A: Moment: = 0.18 seconds
One plan = 12.11 km.
Therefore, 220210091211 = 296291.33kmSec is obtained in Xmin seconds. Modern: usually 3X10Km / Sec or 300000Km / Sec (Trilaksham). Acids: - Acids, Alkalis - Bases, Rasatantram - Chemicals. Sayanacarya writes: "It is remembered that the sunlight travels two thousand two hundred and two Yojanas in half a Nimesa." (RV.1-50-4)
Tarni Vishwadarsto Jyotishkridasi Surya.
विश्वमाà¤ासि रोचनम् II of. Sayana on it
And f smryate- yojanam sahasre dwe.....
One yojana is equal to 9 miles, 110 yards =9.1/ 16miles=9.0625 according to one publication of the Govt. of India. According to Mahabharata, Santiparva, 231, half a Nimesa is equal to 8/75seconds. If calculated on this data the velocity of light comes to 187084.1 miles per second. According to Michelson it is 187372.5 miles per second.
Sir Monier Williams gives one Yojana equal to 4 Krosha = 9 miles. Taking 1 Yojana = 9 miles, the velocity comes to 186413.22 miles per second. The well accepted popular scientific figure is 186300 miles per second. In any case the velocity of Light mentioned by Sayana is almost the same as in the Modern Science. (Vartak, P.V.; Scientific Knowledge in The Vedas), Dharam Hinduja International Centre of Indic Research, Delhi, (1995, p.96.)
Father of Veterinary Science
Maheya: - Mahiputra: (Mars:), Preventive Medicine, Preventive Medicine. Majjasara: - Jaifal iti bhashayam, stambhanam-jadikaranam.